How to maintain gear reducer
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How to maintain gear reducer

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1. Reducers not yet in service should be kept in an indoor environment free of dust, dirt, and moisture. Keep reducers away from chemicals or chemical fumes due to adverse reactions of the sealing arrangements.

2. While the reducer is waiting to be in service, it is very important to keep the reducer in the same mounting position, as the gear reducer has been configured for its particular application. For example, if the unit is to be mounted vertical shaft down, that is the position in which the unit should be maintained before installation.

3. Small reducers that are shipped dry should be kept dry, with the vent plug in the highest position.

4. Small reducers that are shipped wet should have the vent plug placed in the highest position.

5. Where possible, maintain the factory packaging until the product is placed into usage.

6. When placing the reducer into service, review the manufacturer’s specs for proper mounting configurations.

7. After mounting the reducer for service, consult the manufacturer’s specifications for recommended type, frequency, and amount of lubrication. You may need to relocate vents and/or drain plugs. On some reducers, failure to relocate the vent plug could cause lubricant to escape through the vent, resulting in catastrophic damage.

8. For reducers waiting to be placed into service, it is best practice to exercise the shafts on a three-month maximum period. This will allow the internal components and gears to remain lubricated. It should be noted that the input shaft must be turned the same number of turns as the reduction. As an example, a 30:1 reducer should have the input shaft turned at least 30 times. In the same manner, a 1300:1 would have the input shaft turned 1300 times. This is a very important procedure.